Tuesday, November 16, 2021

What We Have Learned

His class has been very entertaining and fun due to the various topics that he has explained to us, and we must remember that as the world evolves we must prepare ourselves better and learning English is important because it is essential when it comes to finding work, English will give us access to a better education and therefore to the possibility of a better job. Our job opportunities will multiply as soon as we master the language. GERALDINE PORTOCARRERO 

As teachers in a changing and increasingly modernized society.  English both in our teacher training and at the time of teaching it to children is a subject of great relevance and helps to a greater perception and active participation in society.  English is a window to many opportunities, and this course hand in hand with all the didactics and topics learned will help us to form a meaningful and permanent learning.  YARUBELIS CARRERA 

This definitely has been an interesting subject to study because being so relevant, English is a language that can be learned fast, but only with the best methodology, and I may say that we have learned from the best teacher. My vocabulary has increased a lot since I take English classes. Also, I consider that I have become more creative due to the various activities that I realized with my classmates. Something I take with me are new dynamics for lessons and games, to apply with my future students. ELSY GONZÁLES 

This year has been one of the most difficult since we had to adapt to a new modality but it did not prevent us from having a new teaching, his class has been one of the most interactive since I was able to improve my English a little and it is very satisfying to know in which we observe different very important and interactive topics. LEILA GOMEZ 

Throughout all this process of having English classes I can say that I am truly grateful for my knowledge of the language. Thanks to Mrs. Cañenguez I have learned new strategies to not just teach English, but to create the student-teacher relationship that plays a major role in the correct teaching methodology for students. Another experience I take with me is beauty of learning from others because it has helped me to realize how many ways there are to solve a problem. Lastly, now I am conscious of how essential English is to open many doors around the world. ONEHIDID TEUCAMA 

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